The Beheading of St George - ALTICHIERO da Zevio - WGA
The Beheading of St George by ALTICHIERO da Zevio
The Beheading of St George by ALTICHIERO da Zevio

The Beheading of St George

by ALTICHIERO da Zevio, Fresco

This scene is located in the lower register of the northeast wall.

St George was beheaded before the city gates. This scene is vividly depicted in the last fresco of the northeast wall. Soldiers with their upright spears and lances, officers on horses, and several citizens form a compact wall of people around the saint, who kneels on the ground deep in prayer. Above the saint’s lowered head, the executioner raises his sword and is readying himself to deliver the deadly blow.

Here Altichiero shows most interestingly the influence of Giotto in the solidity of his groups of figures posed in large natural spaces. He achieves brilliant results with this technique, softened by Gothic details. In addition to this, the Veronese painter took pains to portray everyday feelings. Notice the way the father takes his son away from the scene of the macabre torture.

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