GRANET, François-Marius - b. 1775 Aix-en-Provence, d. 1849 Aix-en-Provence - WGA

GRANET, François-Marius

(b. 1775 Aix-en-Provence, d. 1849 Aix-en-Provence)

French painter, a pupil of Jacques-Louis David. In 1793 he left Aix with the local Société Populaire to assist in the siege of Toulon. He worked as a draughtsman with the artillery battery; his autobiography provides a vivid account of his experiences during the siege and destruction of the town. On a subsequent tour of duty he was employed to paint republican motifs on ships in the naval base at Toulon.

Granet spent the years 1802-19 in Rome. Here he earned his living selling drawings of ancient monuments and painting biographical events from the lives of famous artists. He made a speciality of sombre tonal effects and changing light in dimly lit interiors, his highly individualistic style recalling Dutch interiors rather than the Neoclassical tradition in which he was trained. His Choir of the Capuchin Church in Rome was exhibited at the 1819 Salon with such success that he made sixteen replicas of it. Granet also painted Italian landscapes, constructed with firm, cubic volumes in which some critics have seen a foreshadowing of Cézanne.

He reached the height of his success when he was awarded the Cross of the French Legion of Honour and the ribbon of the Order of Saint Michael. In 1826 he became curator of the Louvre Museum and was made Keeper of Pictures at Versailles in 1830. During the Revolution of 1848 he retired to his native Aix-en-Provence, where he founded the museum which bears his name. It contains a celebrated portrait of him by Ingres.

Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome
Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome by

Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome

Among the first of a number of artists to take a pictorial interest in Roman ritual, rather than in the traditional Christian iconography, was the young Proven�al Granet, who while studying in Rome began painting church interiors with officiating clergy. This new genre anticipated the medievalism of his Troubadour compatriots and found a ready market. His haunting Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, a view of the vaults which were once part of the ancient Baths of Trajan, includes a female corpse in its white shroud, while a hooded priest and his acolyte prepare for the committal.

Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome (detail)
Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome (detail) by

Crypt of San Martino ai Monti, Rome (detail)

Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church on the Plazza Barberini in Rome
Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church on the Plazza Barberini in Rome by

Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church on the Plazza Barberini in Rome

This painting, which Granet first created in 1815, became so popular that he produced some 15 replicas, the first of which he presented to Russian Emperor Alexander I during his visit to Paris. The subject, customary already in the eighteenth century, enabled the artist to demonstrate the virtuosity in conveying light, which he had attained by intensive study of nature in Provence and Italy.

Meeting of the Monastic Chapter
Meeting of the Monastic Chapter by

Meeting of the Monastic Chapter

Monks in a Cave
Monks in a Cave by

Monks in a Cave

Quay of the Seine with Barge, Fog Effect
Quay of the Seine with Barge, Fog Effect by

Quay of the Seine with Barge, Fog Effect

San Trinità dei Monti and the Villa Medici, Rome
San Trinità dei Monti and the Villa Medici, Rome by

San Trinità dei Monti and the Villa Medici, Rome

Stella in Prison
Stella in Prison by

Stella in Prison

The French painter Jacques Stella (1596-1657), in prison in Rome as painted by David’s pupil Francois-Marius Granet, might seem another persecuted genius. In fact the Madonna and Child that Stella has drawn on his cell walls has attracted the admiration of his jailor and fellow inmates, and there is already the promise of hardship overcome. This was indeed to be Granet’s own experience, not least as a result of the purchase of this picture by Napoleon’s ex-empress, Josephine.

The San Rocco Bridge and the Grand Waterfall at Tivoli
The San Rocco Bridge and the Grand Waterfall at Tivoli by

The San Rocco Bridge and the Grand Waterfall at Tivoli
