Nativity by GUIDO DA SIENA
Nativity by GUIDO DA SIENA


by GUIDO DA SIENA, Tempera on wood, 36x 48 cm

This painting belonged to a polyptych depicting twelve scenes from the life of Christ. The polyptych was dismembered at the beginning of the nineteenth century and the panels are now dispersed to various collections. The scenes are the following:

1. Annunciation (University Art Museum, Princeton)

2. Nativity (Mus�e du Louvre, Paris)

3. Massacre of the Innocents (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena)

4. Adoration of the Magi (Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg)

5. Flight into Egypt (Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg)

6. Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Mus�e du Louvre, Paris)

7. Kiss of Judas (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena)

8. Flagellation (Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg)

9. Christ Crucified (Museum Catherijneconvent, Utrecht)

10. Crucifixion (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena)

11. Deposition (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena)

12. Entombment (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena)

It is assumed that the Coronation of the Virgin in the Courtauld Galleries, London, formed also part of this polyptych.

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