LABILLE-GUIARD, Adélaide - b. 1749 Paris, d. 1803 Paris - WGA


(b. 1749 Paris, d. 1803 Paris)

French painter. She was a painter of the French nobility before the Revolution and survived to paint the citizens of the Directory. Emerging from the 18th-century tradition of powdered wigs and shimmering satins, she captured informal moments in the lives of her subjects, frequently depicting them interrupted from some pastime.

In forging a successful career as a portraitist, Adélaide Labille-Guiard had to overcome an unwelcoming male-dominated art world. Labille-Guiard was often described as a bitter rival of the best-known woman painter of the time, Elisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun, but this rivalry was in fact the invention of male artists and critics threatened by their female competitors. After Labille-Guiard’s Salon debut in 1783, a slanderous pamphlet accused her of ethical and sexual improprieties. Despite this adversity, Labille-Guiard was an active promoter of rights for women artists and a successful teacher.

The youngest child of a Parisian merchant, Labille-Guiard trained with her childhood friend, François-André Vincent. She made her own studio in the early 1780s and established royal and aristocratic patrons for her pastels, oil paintings, and miniatures. By 1783, she had taken on teaching nine women students; also in 1783, Labille-Guiard was admitted to full membership of the Académie Royale and she exhibited portraits at the Salon until 1800.

Many of Labille-Guiard’s works were half-length portraits with little or no elaboration of setting. Using a restrained, sombre palette, she captured her sitters in relatively informal, candid poses. In the wake of the French Revolution, her clientele dried up, but Labille-Guiard adapted and found new sitters among the Revolutionary leaders including Maximilen de Robespierre. After several of her paintings were destroyed by official decree, she was forced to flee Paris but did eventually return.

Her self-portrait (1785) is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yörk.

Madame Élisabeth de France
Madame Élisabeth de France by

Madame Élisabeth de France

In this study for a more formal portrait, Ad�laïde Labille-Guiard portrays the younger sister of Louis XVI, who eventually followed him to the guillotine. The simple costume of Madame �lisabeth (1764–1794) accords with her gentle manner.

Labille-Guiard learned pastel technique from Maurice Quentin de La Tour. She was skilled at capturing the moods of her sitters, bringing their mobile expressions closely into view.

Portrait of a Lady Wearing a Pink Dress
Portrait of a Lady Wearing a Pink Dress by

Portrait of a Lady Wearing a Pink Dress

This portrait is a typical work of the artist. Her portraits were applauded for their faithful likeness to the sitters and, in the present work, the typically candid expression of the unknown lady imbues the portrait with a sense of frank immediacy. The precision of brushstrokes in the hair and lace trim betray her background as a miniaturist and, indeed, it was this quality that led to her acceptance to the Acad�mie in 1783.

Portrait of the Countess of Lameth
Portrait of the Countess of Lameth by

Portrait of the Countess of Lameth

The sitter of this portrait is the Countess of Lameth, born Marie-Anne Picot (1766-1825). Labille-Guiard also painted a pastel portrait of the husband of the sitter, Charles de Lameth (1757-1832), a French politician and soldier.

Self-Portrait with Two Pupils
Self-Portrait with Two Pupils by

Self-Portrait with Two Pupils

The artist portrayed herself before the easel with her two pupils, Marie Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818) and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond (died 1788).

In 1783, when Labille-Guiard and Vig�e-Lebrun were admitted to the French Acad�mie Royale, the number of women artists eligible for membership was limited to four, and this canvas has been interpreted as a propaganda piece, arguing for the place of women in the academy.

The Sculptor Augustin Pajou
The Sculptor Augustin Pajou by

The Sculptor Augustin Pajou

The sculptor Augustine Pajou is portrayed at work, putting the finishing touches to the clay bust of his master Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne. Dated to 1758, the bronze cast is preserved in the Louvre. Ad�laide Labille-Guiard presented this pastel to the Acad�mie Royal in 1783 with four other portraits of eminent members.
