LAMBERTI, Piero di Niccolò - b. ~1393 Venezia, d. 1435 Venezia - WGA

LAMBERTI, Piero di Niccolò

(b. ~1393 Venezia, d. 1435 Venezia)

Italian sculptor, son of the sculptor Niccolò di Piero Lamberti. He seems to have been trained in his father’s shop; he is first recorded in 1410 for some very minor work - probably polishing stone - on the Linaiuoli niche at Or San Michele. On 2 May 1415 Piero matriculated in the stonemason’s guild. Little is known of his work in Florence. A ‘Petrus de Florentia’ mentioned in the will of Cristoforo Campione in Venice in 1416 is generally believed to refer to Piero di Niccolò, suggesting that he moved to Venice with his father that year. Piero was again in Florence in 1418, when he made the sarcophagus (but not the arch that frames it) for the tomb of Onofrio Strozzi in the sacristy of Santa Trinità, a work that does not demonstrate great accomplishment in figure carving.

Piero’s first recorded commission in Venice dates from 1423, when he and Giovanni di Martino da Fiesole carved the Late Gothic canopied wall tomb of Tommaso Mocenigo in SS Giovanni e Paolo. His only other extant documented sculpture is the tomb of Raffaello Fulgosio (Padua, Santo), commissioned in 1429, on which he collaborated with the Tuscan Giovanni di Bartolomeo da Firenze. He is recorded as living in Verona in 1434.
