MARÉES, Hans von - b. 1837 Elberfeld, d. 1887 Roma - WGA

MARÉES, Hans von

(b. 1837 Elberfeld, d. 1887 Roma)

German painter, mainly of mythologies, who went to Italy in 1864. In 1869 he visited Spain, France, and the Netherlands with the writer on art, Konrad Fiedler, his future biographer. He served in the Francp-Prussian War of 1870-71, but was able to return to Italy in 1873 and began his most famous work, the frescoes in the Aquarium at Naples, on which he was assisted by Adolf von Hildebrand, the leading German sculptor. He spent the rest of his life in Italy, and, like Böcklin and Feuerbach, he was essentially a German Romantic who longed for Italy: unlike Leibl, he was untouched by the Realist movement and all that it implied. In spite of his interest in wall-painting and the success of his Naples frescoes he never succeeded in obtaining another monumental commission, The style of the frescoes is similar to that of his great French contemporary, Puvis de Chavannes.

He died in Rome at the age of 49 and is buried in the Protestant Cemetery there.

Courtyard with the Grotto in the Munich Royal Residence
Courtyard with the Grotto in the Munich Royal Residence by

Courtyard with the Grotto in the Munich Royal Residence

Das Orangenbild (The Four Ages of Man)
Das Orangenbild (The Four Ages of Man) by

Das Orangenbild (The Four Ages of Man)

The Orangenbild was a wedding present to the painter’s friend, the distinguished art theorist Konrad Fiedler (1841-1895). Only thirty years after its completion in 1878 was it entitled The Four Ages of Man. On panel, using the old-fashioned tempera medium, the scene is set in the Garden of the Hesperides - a pagan Paradise - where nymphs guard trees bearing the golden apples, wedding gifts to Hera. Echoes of Poussin, with free quotations from Luca Signorelli are found in this splendid canvas, whose archaism may also have been stimulated by the popular art of Edward Burne-Jones.

Double Portrait of Marées and Lenbach
Double Portrait of Marées and Lenbach by

Double Portrait of Marées and Lenbach

The Oarsmen
The Oarsmen by

The Oarsmen

Although officially considered a third member of the so-called German Romanists, Hans von Mar�es, long resident in Italy, moved far from the dramatic narrative of B�cklin or the ponderous perspective of Feuerbach. The Berlin-trained von Mar�es was Germany’s major prophet of Modernism, filling a critical role as that nation’s Puvis de Chavannes, the French master who was thirteen years his senior. Like Puvis de Chavannes, von Mar�es followed the Nazarene and Pre-Raphalite revival of wall painting. His major commission was the 1873 murals for the Library of the German Marine Zoological Station on Naples.

The Oarsmen is a powerful study for one of the largest Library fresco, located on the north wall.

Youth Picking Oranges
Youth Picking Oranges by

Youth Picking Oranges

Although officially considered a third member of the so-called German Romanists, Hans von Mar�es, long resident in Italy, moved far from the dramatic narrative of B�cklin or the ponderous perspective of Feuerbach. The Berlin-trained von Mar�es was Germany’s major prophet of Modernism, filling a critical role as that nation’s Puvis de Chavannes, the French master who was thirteen years his senior. Like Puvis de Chavannes, von Mar�es followed the Nazarene and Pre-Raphalite revival of wall painting. His major commission was the 1873 murals for the Library of the German Marine Zoological Station on Naples.

The Youth Picking Oranges is a life-size oil sketch preparatory to the fresco on the south wall of the library. Though this work is strikingly reminiscent of C�zanne, two years von Mar�es junior, the French painter was almost certainly ignorant of the German’s art.
