AGABITI, Pietro Paolo - b. ~1470 Sassoferato, d. ~1540 Cupramontana - WGA

AGABITI, Pietro Paolo

(b. ~1470 Sassoferato, d. ~1540 Cupramontana)

Italian painter and possible woodcutter. He spent his early years in Sassoferrato, where his family owned a ceramics workshop. Around 1497 he probably visited the Veneto region, since his Virgin and Child with Saints (Padua, Museo Civico) painted that year shows the strong influence of painters active there such as Cima da Conegliano. The painting also reflects the Bolognese style of Francesco Francia and that of the Romagnian Marco Palmezzano. In Venice, Agabiti may have made woodcuts after the illustrations for Francesco Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice, 1499). By 1502 he had returned to the Marches, where he executed a painting (untraced) for San Rocco, Jesi, the town where in 1507 he is documented as residing. After 1510 he was again in Sassoferrato, where in 1511 he signed and dated both the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Sassoferrato, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna) and the Nativity in Santa Maria del Piano. In 1518, for the same church, he signed and dated an altarpiece depicting the Virgin and Child with SS Catherine and John the Baptist (in situ). In San Fortunato, Sassoferrato, he executed the Virgin and Child with Saints (1521; in situ), in which the influence of Marco Palmezzano is even more evident.

Between 1522 and 1524, in collaboration with Andrea da Jesi the younger, Agabiti executed a series of frescoes in the Palazzo di Citta, Jesi. In 1524, for Santa Croce, Sassoferrato, he painted a panel with SS Benedict, Maurus and Placid on the front and SS Peter Damian and Scholastica on the rear (Fonte Avellama, Abbazia; Urbino, Palazzo Ducale). In 1528 he painted the Virgin and Child Enthroned with SS John the Baptist and Anthony (Jesi, Pinacoteca Civica). The lunette depicts St Francis Receiving the Stigmata and the predella shows the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi and various Saints. Here the links with Cima da Conegliano and Marco Palmezzano are again in evidence, and there are also references to Carlo Crivelli’s use of colour. In 1530 Agabiti painted the Virgin and Child with Saints for the Badia, San Lorenzo in Campo. The following year he retired to the Convento dell’Eremita, Cupramontana, where he remained until his death.

Agabiti’s work is retardataire; he did not adapt his style to suit 16th-century taste and remained instead nostalgically attached to the formal language of the 15th century.

Adoration of the Magi
Adoration of the Magi by

Adoration of the Magi

This is one of the four predella scenes belonging to the altarpiece with the central panel depicting the Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua.

Lunette and predella
Lunette and predella by

Lunette and predella

The picture shows the lunette and predella of the altarpiece depicting the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Sts John the Baptist and Anthony. The lunette depicts St Francis Receives the Stigmata, the predella scenes are: St Jerome in the Desert, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, and Sts Sebastian and Roch.

Nativity by


This is one of the four predella scenes belonging to the altarpiece with the central panel depicting the Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua.

Nativity by


This paiting is the last dated work of the artist, it is an important document of his late period. It is a provincial work with several pictorial episodes such as the columns and roof of the barn, the barrel on the branch, etc.

Nativity by


This large 16th century terracotta Nativity scene is attributed to Pietro Paolo Agabiti, an artist from Sassoferrato who has worked extensively in Jesi where he took refuge to escape a murder charge.

The large crib adorned an altar of the demolished church of San Francesco al Monte and consists of the Nativity scene surmounted by a rural landscape populated by shepherds, pipers and angels.

The sacred scene is enclosed within a splendid terracotta frame, finely worked with ornamental motifs in relief in which dolphins, lions, lizards, snails and griffins appear.

Sacred Representation with Sts Francis, Anthony of Padua and Bernardino
Sacred Representation with Sts Francis, Anthony of Padua and Bernardino by

Sacred Representation with Sts Francis, Anthony of Padua and Bernardino

St Jerome in the Desert
St Jerome in the Desert by

St Jerome in the Desert

This is one of the four predella scenes belonging to the altarpiece with the central panel depicting the Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua.

Sts Sebastian and Roch
Sts Sebastian and Roch by

Sts Sebastian and Roch

This is one of the four predella scenes belonging to the altarpiece with the central panel depicting the Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua.

Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua
Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua by

Virgin Enthroned between Sts John the Baptist and Anthony of Padua

This is the central piece of an altarpiece. The lunette and predella belonging to the altarpiece are also in the Pinacoteca Civica in Jesi.
