AKEN, Joseph van - b. ~1699 Antwerpen, d. 1749 London - WGA

AKEN, Joseph van

(b. ~1699 Antwerpen, d. 1749 London)

Joseph van Aken (also Vanaken or Haeken), Flemish painter, active in England. In Antwerp he began painting genre scenes in the Flemish tradition. He arrived in London with his family c. 1720 and continued to produce genre paintings as well as conversation pieces. His paintings reveal his Flemish training, although the figures are wooden and stilted and the work devoid of moralizing intent. They also show his adaptation of this genre tradition to contemporary London scenes, and the several versions of these works attest to their popularity.

Van Aken also painted portraits. His conversation pieces betray a French influence in their lively brushwork and informal composition. From about 1735 onwards he specialised in painting the drapery for famous and fashionable London portraitists, though occasionally he still produced ravishing conversation pieces of country scenes of a sporting nature.

A Sporting Conversation Piece
A Sporting Conversation Piece by

A Sporting Conversation Piece

In this sporting conversation piece two gentlemen with their guns and dogs rest at the edge of a wood; a third approaches them whilst a fourth, gun in hand, walks into the wood. The artist executed a number of sporting conversations of the present type which depict the Rural Squire enjoying his sport in the company of his friends. The figures are rather elongated in a slightly mannerist way and adopt curiously “elegant” poses.

A Vegetable Seller and his Son
A Vegetable Seller and his Son by

A Vegetable Seller and his Son

This painting is one of a pair. In the present scene, a vegetable seller and his son offer wares to a lady and a cleric by a statue of Bacchus. The landscape in which the two paintings are set unites them as a pair.

The Van Aken Brothers
The Van Aken Brothers by

The Van Aken Brothers

The two artists sitting at a table with a candle, pipes, tobacco a flask of wine and a sketch-drawing and other papers are identified as the Van Aken brothers, Alexander, the mezzotint engraver (left), and Joseph, painter in oils (right).

Vegetable and Fruit Market
Vegetable and Fruit Market by

Vegetable and Fruit Market

This painting is one of a pair. In the present scene, a vegetable and fruit market by a statue of Venus, with a town by a river beyond. The landscape in which the two paintings are set unites them as a pair.
