ANTONIO DA ATRI - b. ~1350 Atri, d. 1433 Atri - WGA


(b. ~1350 Atri, d. 1433 Atri)

Antonio da Atri (Antonio Martini di Atri), Italian painter. His artistic career was reconstructed based on the two dated and signed paintings on the eastern wall of the choir of the Cistercian abbey of Santa Maria Arabona Manoppello, depicting the Crucifixion and the Virgin Enthroned with the Child. Under the latter there is an inscription in semi-gothic which reads “AD MCCCLXXIII ANTONIUS ADRIA DE FECIT.”

He worked in L’Aquila (1380-1397), in Atri (1397-1410), in Penne (1410-1420). The Crucifixion painted in the church of Sant’Agostino in Penne is regarded as his masterpiece.
