BACKER, Jacob de - b. ~1557 Antwerpen, d. ~1587 Antwerpen - WGA

BACKER, Jacob de

(b. ~1557 Antwerpen, d. ~1587 Antwerpen)

Flemish painter. Although Jacob de Backer left us a substantial number of paintings and drawings, very little is known of his brief life and career. De Backer joined the workshop of Antonio van Palermo, who reportedly worked his pupil so hard that the strain eventually lead to his premature demise at the age of thirty. Despite this short lived period of activity, De Backer must have produced many versions and copies of his Last Judgment.

In fact, many people know De Backer only from these Last Judgment scenes, but this would be a misunderstanding of the artist’s true nature. He painted many allegories that indicated he was a learned man with a humanistic education.

Allegory of the Three Ages of Man
Allegory of the Three Ages of Man by

Allegory of the Three Ages of Man

Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden by

Garden of Eden

This highly finished Garden of Eden is attributed to Jacob de Backer, one of the region’s most orthodox interpreters of the Italian maniera.

The Finding of Moses
The Finding of Moses by

The Finding of Moses

The biblical story (Exodus 2: 3-9) tells of an infant boy left out in a basket on the Nile, who is found by Pharaoh’s daughter and brought up by her as her own son, Moses. In the centre of the present representation is the seated figure of the Pharaoh’s daughter. Gracefully dressed and wearing a crown, a servant girl stands behind her, fanning her with a canopy of feathers.

The Last Judgment
The Last Judgment by

The Last Judgment

Jacob de Backer was a celebrated specialist of memorial paintings. According to one of his contemporaries, his heavy workload contributed to his own premature death at the age of 30. Antwerp’s world-famous printer, Christopher Plantin ordered this painting from Jacob de Backer so that it could be installed in the Antwerp Cathedral as a memorial after his death. This was the custom at the time for leading citizens. We know therefore, that it must have been painted before 1589, the year in which Plantin died. The wings were added later, possibly by another artist in 1591.

Christ appears above the clouds in a radiant light to sit in final judgment over humanity. Groups of saints sit among the clouds on either side of him. On the left we see the Virgin Mary and JOhn the Baptist, while Moses with his stone tablets appears on the right. The symbols of the Evangelists appear at Christ’s feet, with three trumpet-playing angels below, and lower still, two angels who enact the sentence of the divine court. One drives the damned souls into hell with his sword, eagerly assisted by the demons that grab at the unfortunate condemned, while the other points the way to heaven. On the surface of the earth, other angels guide the blessed souls to paradise.

Plantin is shown in the left wing, kneeling at a prie-dieu. He is accompanied by his young son, also called Christopher. The boy died young, as is indicated by the little red cross above his head. St Christopher, with the Infant Christ on his shoulders, stands by a wide river with a town on the opposite bank. The other wings shows Jeanne Rivi�re, Plantin’s wife, praying with her six daughters - one of whom also died young. Her patron saint, John the Baptist, stands to the rear of the group.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 8 minutes):

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem K 626: Dies irae

The Nativity
The Nativity by