BERUETE, Aureliano - b. 1845 Madrid, d. 1912 Madrid - WGA

BERUETE, Aureliano

(b. 1845 Madrid, d. 1912 Madrid)

Aureliano de Beruete y Moret, Spanish writer, painter and collector. After pursuing a political career and taking a doctorate in civil and canon law, he dedicated himself to writing on art and produced important studies on Diego Velázquez (1898), Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1901) and other artists. He travelled extensively and enthusiastically in Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, England and elsewhere), studying especially the different national schools of painting. On his travels he also painted landscapes.

After working for some time as a copyist in the Museo del Prado, Beruete decided in 1873 to concentrate his efforts on painting and on learning to perfect his craft. He enrolled at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de S Fernando in Madrid and also studied at the studio of Carlos de Haes. Beruete was among the founders of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, and with its members, and with Carlos de Haes, he made several study trips abroad. In Paris he came to know the painting of the Barbizon school, and in Belgium he assimilated the teaching of the generation of landscape artists who had adopted a form of Realism. The fundamental constants of the Spanish pictorial tradition, however, especially the sketching style typical of Velázquez and Francisco de Goya, became the starting-point for Beruete’s own style, enabling him to record his response to landscape, impressions of light and rural settings. Beruete’s achievement was acknowledged by various national and international awards.

Hawthorn in Blossom
Hawthorn in Blossom by

Hawthorn in Blossom

Beruete was the pupil of Carlos de Haes who encouraged him to paint studies direct from nature before doing studio paintings of a relaxed kind from them. Beruete followed Haes in his preference for landscape, concentrating on the region around Madrid and Toledo. When the influence of French Impressionism made itself apparent, as in Hawthorn in Blossom, it was with a Castilian austerity rather than with the light, cheerful touch of the French.

The Banks of the Manzanares River
The Banks of the Manzanares River by

The Banks of the Manzanares River

This painting shows the banks of the Manzanares River with the skyline of Madrid in the background.

The River Manzanares
The River Manzanares by

The River Manzanares

The River Manzanares
The River Manzanares by

The River Manzanares

Beruete was the pupil of Carlos de Haes who encouraged him to paint studies direct from nature before doing studio paintings of a relaxed kind from them. Beruete followed Haes in his preference for landscape, concentrating on the region around Madrid and Toledo. When the influence of French Impressionism made itself apparent, it was with a Castilian austerity rather than with the light, cheerful touch of the French. His colours used contrasts but retained an earthy quality, as in The River Manzanares.

View of the Sierra de Guadarrama
View of the Sierra de Guadarrama by

View of the Sierra de Guadarrama
