BRENNA, Vincenzo - b. 1745 Firenze, d. 1820 Dresden - WGA

BRENNA, Vincenzo

(b. 1745 Firenze, d. 1820 Dresden)

Italian architect and painter, active in Poland and Russia. Brenna was born to an artistic family and studied in Rome to be a painter (where he was a contemporary of Giacomo Quarenghi). He was designing interiors in Poland for Count Stanislaw Kostka Potocki when he met the future Russian Emperor Paul and his wife Maria Fyodorovna, and was invited to join Charles Cameron’s team decorating the interiors of the Grand Palace at Pavlovsk.

Brenna arrived in Russia in 1784 and established a close relationship with the royal couple, benefiting from the conflict between Paul and his mother (the “battle of the palaces”), which saw the dismissal of Cameron from work on Pavlovsk.

Before Paul succeeded to the throne in 1796, Brenna’s activities were limited to interior design at Pavlovsk and Paul’s second palace at Gatchina (where he also designed the Connetable obelisk and square (1793), but he spent the decade developing albums of plans for palaces, which no doubt helped him to accomplish a huge amount of building in the five short years of Paul’s reign. He made significant additions to the Grand Palace at Pavlovsk, where he also rebuilt Bip Fortress; he completely remodeled Antonio Rinaldi’s palace at Gatchina; and he executed his masterwork, St. Michael’s Castle. In these last two projects, he achieved a remarkable architectural embodiment of Paul’s confused, militaristic, Prussophile Romanticism.

Brenna and his art were inextricably linked with his patron, and it is claimed that he was also notoriously dishonest, blatantly pilfering artworks even from the Hermitage collections. After Paul’s murder and the ascension to the throne of Alexander I, Brenna soon left St. Petersburg for Dresden, accompanied by his young assistant Carlo Rossi. He devoted the last two decades of his life to painting, apparently with little success.

Aerial view
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Aerial view

Mikhailovsky (St. Michael’s) Castle is a former royal residence in the historic centre of Saint Petersburg. It was built as a residence for Emperor Paul I by architects Vincenzo Brenna and Vasili Bazhenov in 1797-1801. The castle looks different from each side, as the architects used motifs of various architectural styles such as French Classicism, Italian Renaissance and Gothic.

Exterior view
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Exterior view

Mikhailovsky (St. Michael’s) Castle is a former royal residence in the historic centre of Saint Petersburg. It was built as a residence for Emperor Paul I by architects Vincenzo Brenna and Vasili Bazhenov in 1797-1801. The castle looks different from each side, as the architects used motifs of various architectural styles such as French Classicism, Italian Renaissance and Gothic.

The photo shows the southern fa�ade.

Exterior view
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Exterior view

The privileges that the Empress Catherine II granted the nobility allowed them increasingly to retreat from the city and devote themselves entirely to building palaces in the country. The Ostankino palace lies on the estate of the wealthy Sheremetyev family. Vincenzo Brenna was responsible for the design. The palace had a theatre integrated into the centre. Access to the main apartments and theatre, which was shaped like an amphitheatre, was gained via a six-columned portico and staircase.

The photo shows the main fa�ade.

Interior view
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Interior view

The photo shows the interior of the Blue Room.

Interior view
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Interior view

The summer residence of Pavlovsk was built by Charles Cameron for the future Tsar, Paul I. The self-contained ensemble of palace and landscaped park - with its pavilions, cascades, artificial ruins, avenues and river - harmoniously combined the principles of Neoclassical architecture with an English-style Romantic park (reconstructed after World War II).

Cameron was involved in the interior design, but most of the work was done by his Italian pupil, Vincenzo Brenna.

The photo shows the interior of the Greek Room in the Pavlovsk Palace.
