BULFINCH, Charles - b. 1763 Boston, d. 1844 Boston - WGA


(b. 1763 Boston, d. 1844 Boston)

American architect, often noted as the first native-born professional architect in the U.S. He gained fame chiefly as a designer of government buildings, including the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

After studying at Harvard University (1778-81), Bulfinch toured Europe (1785-87) and, on the advice of Thomas Jefferson, whom he met in Paris, visited many of the major architectural works of France and Italy. In London he became acquainted with the Neoclassicism of the Scottish-born architect Robert Adam, and he was largely responsible for introducing the Adam style into the United States. Most of his works incorporate classical orders and show a mastery of proportion.

Among Bulfinch’s works are the Massachusetts State House, Boston (designed 1787-88; built 1795-98; still extant but greatly altered); the Connecticut State House, Hartford (1792-96; now the city hall); and the Maine Capitol, Augusta (1828-31). Bulfinch was the fourth in the succession of architects of the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. Serving in this capacity from 1817 to 1830, Bulfinch used the plans of his immediate predecessor, Benjamin Latrobe, for the wings, but he prepared a new design for the rotunda.

In 1787 Bulfinch helped to promote the first circumnavigation of the Earth by an American ship (the Columbia, commanded by Robert Gray). As a member (1791-95, 1799-1817) of the Boston board of selectmen, he directed the improvement of the local street system and of Boston Common and its surroundings.

Beacon Hill Monument
Beacon Hill Monument by

Beacon Hill Monument

The Beacon Hill Memorial in Boston is among Bulfinch’s earliest works in Boston. It is a vast Doric column crowned by an eagle. The present monument was erected in 1898 to replace the original by Bulfinch.

Exterior view
Exterior view by

Exterior view

The Massachusetts State House dominates its surroundings with colonnaded frontage. As with much of his work, Bulfinch looked to the example of older British architects, especially the designs of court architects William Chambers and Robert Adam. He translated their slender designs into rawer, more monumental forms, often using brick.

General view
General view by

General view

The Massachusetts State House dominates its surroundings with colonnaded frontage. As with much of his work, Bulfinch looked to the example of older British architects, especially the designs of court architects William Chambers and Robert Adam. He translated their slender designs into rawer, more monumental forms, often using brick.

General view
General view by

General view

In the late 18th century, architecture assumed an eminent role in the northern states of the newly independent colony, the United States of America. Architecture was to demonstrate the pride and self-confidence of a young, democratic society. Today the Capitol and White House in Washington are the best-known symbols from this epoch, buildings that are synonymous with government and state power. American Neoclassicism became the flag-bearer for republican ideology; by both absorbing and adapting classical forms, it was able to give tangible form to the pragmatism of the “New World.”

Competition for building a new seat of government in Washington was held in 1792. As a result, the design of the amateur architect was accepted. Thornton proposed a broad, domed building in the classical style. Because Thornton had no knowledge of building technology, the construction was initially supervised by the runner-up in the competition, Stephen Hallet. Hallet (c. 1760-1825) attempted to alter many of Thornton’s plans and was quickly replaced, first by George Hadfield and later by James Hoban, the architect who designed the White House.

The north wing, containing the Senate chamber, was completed first, and Congress convened there in November 1800. The following year Jefferson became the first president to be inaugurated at the Capitol, a tradition that has been observed in all subsequent inaugurations. The remainder of the building was completed by Benjamin Latrobe, whom Jefferson appointed Surveyor of Public Buildings in 1803. Latrobe followed Thornton’s conception of the exterior closely but used his own designs for the interior. Perhaps Latrobe’s best-known additions were the unique Corinthian-style columns, whose capitals depicted tobacco leaves (symbolizing the nation’s wealth) and corn cobs (symbolizing the country’s bounty).

The south wing, containing the chamber of the House of Representatives, was completed in 1807. During the War of 1812 the Capitol was looted and burned by British troops, though rain prevented the building’s complete devastation. Latrobe began reconstruction in 1815 but resigned two years later. By 1827 his successor, the distinguished Boston architect Charles Bulfinch, had joined the two wings and built the first copper-sheathed dome, again adhering to Thornton’s original design.
