GRANACCI, Francesco - b. 1477 Firenze, d. 1543 Firenze - WGA

GRANACCI, Francesco

(b. 1477 Firenze, d. 1543 Firenze)

Florentine painter of the generation immediately preceding Michelangelo whose friend he was from early youth. Like Michelangelo, Granacci was a pupil of Domenico Ghirlandaio, whose assistant later he became. Granacci was one of the assistants engaged by Michelangelo in 1508 for the beginning of the Sistine ceiling but, like the others, was dismissed after about one month. On his return to Florence Granacci fell under the influence of Fra Bartolomeo, and his later works have elongated figures in an attempt at monumentality. The Dublin Holy Family, which is usually attributed to him, has also been attributed to Michelangelo and shows the approximation of their styles. Basically, however, Granacci was a quattrocento artist and is thus very similar to such transitional painters as Ridolfo Ghirlandaio and Franciabigio.

Assumption of the Virgin
Assumption of the Virgin by

Assumption of the Virgin

This altarpiece was made for a Medici Chapel in S. Pier Maggiore in Florence. It can be seen that Granacci’s style is close to Michelangelo’s panel-painting style. The predilection for an unfussy drapery style and designs of powerful three-dimensionality featuring monumental, sculptural figures are shared by both painters. The represented saints are Thomas, John the Baptist, James, Lawrence and Bartholomew. Vasari claimed that St Thomas was so vigorous that it might be taken for one by Michelangelo.

Entry of Charles VIII into Florence
Entry of Charles VIII into Florence by

Entry of Charles VIII into Florence

A pupil of Ghirlandaio, Granacci seems precociously to have assimilated ideas from the activity of Michelangelo - who was his friend - although he later fell back more modestly on the monumental breadth of figures in the style of Fra Bartolomeo. His finest achievements can be seen in works like this, with a narrative content, full of highly individual stylized touches inspired by Pontormo.

This painting shows the solemn entrance of Charles VIII, King of France, to Florence on 17 November 1494, following the expulsion of the Medici, which took place on 9 November.

Joseph Conducted to Prison
Joseph Conducted to Prison by

Joseph Conducted to Prison

A wealthy Florentine patrician commissioned Granacci and other artists to decorate his bedroom with scenes from the story of Joseph. Here, the hero is led to prison, an episode that prefigures the arrest of Christ.

Virgin and Child with Sts Francis and Zenobius
Virgin and Child with Sts Francis and Zenobius by

Virgin and Child with Sts Francis and Zenobius

Granacci imported to Florence directly and rapidly various lessons of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel frescoes in his panel paintings. In this altarpiece, made for the Girolami Chapel in S. Gallo, the two putti pulling on a drape repeat motifs present in the Sistine vault fresco.
