GRASSI, Nicola - b. 1682 Formeaso, d. 1748 Venezia - WGA

GRASSI, Nicola

(b. 1682 Formeaso, d. 1748 Venezia)

Italian painter. He trained under Antonio Carneo and settled in Venice about 1709. In 1712, he enrolled in the guild of Friulian painters. Even though he travelled widely, visiting Turkey, Germany, and Dalmatia in 1723-25, he maintained firm contact with his homeland, as is shown by his religious and biblical works. Grassi was also an accomplished portraitist.

Rachel and Jacob Unblocking the Well
Rachel and Jacob Unblocking the Well by

Rachel and Jacob Unblocking the Well

Rebecca at the Well
Rebecca at the Well by

Rebecca at the Well

The painting is one of a series of pastoral subjects from the Bible made by Grassi in the early stages of his career. They display a gentle Rococo gracefulness, as can be seen in Rebecca’s elegant, mannered pose.

Rosary Mother of God with Sts Dominic and Francis of Assisi
Rosary Mother of God with Sts Dominic and Francis of Assisi by

Rosary Mother of God with Sts Dominic and Francis of Assisi

The Flagellation of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ by

The Flagellation of Christ

Nicola Grassi was a late Baroque Friulian-Venetian painter who painted many altarpieces for the churches of the Friulian region and Venice.

In old catalogues the picture figured as the work of Tiepolo, and later it was attributed to Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini; not until recently has the question been settled. By now about thirty works of Nicola Grassi have been identified; his soft forms, slightly blurred design, light colours and broad, rounded faces are unmistakably recognizable in the Budapest picture, The Flagellation of Christ.
