GUGLIELMO - b. ~1130 ?, d. ~1170 ? - WGA


(b. ~1130 ?, d. ~1170 ?)

Guglielmo [Guillielmus], Italian sculptor. An inscription on the façade of Pisa Cathedral marks the Sepultura Guillielmi magistri qui fecit perg[am]um Sancte Marie. That pulpit (moved to Cagliari Cathedral in 1312), was originally signed Hoc Guillielmus opus prestantior arte modernis quatuor annorum spatio, sed domini centum decies sex mille duobus (‘This work was created by Guglielmo, excellent among the modern masters, finished in 1162 after four years of work’). Strong stylistic affinities link Guglielmo’s pulpit with cycles by Provençal sculptors (e.g. Saint-Gilles-du-Gard Abbey, façade). Like the Pisans, they drew heavily on late Roman sarcophagi and statues, and evidence exists for cultural contacts between Provence and Pisa.

A detailed agreement, signed 1 January 1165, in which masters Guillielmus and Riccius undertook to work for the Opera del Duomo, Pisa, is the last record of Guglielmo’s activity. There are, however, several decorative bands and two panels with New Testament scenes, now set into the floor of Pistoia Cathedral and probably from its pulpit, that are closely related in iconography and style to the Pisan pulpit and can be firmly attributed to Guglielmo. On the other hand, another pulpit (Volterra Cathedral) seems to be by a master related to both Guglielmo and to Biduino, while a stoup attributed to Guglielmo, with scenes from the Life of St Ranierus (New York, Cloisters), raises questions of attribution and authenticity.
