GUIDO DI GRAZIANO - b. ~1260 ?, d. ~1305 Siena - WGA


(b. ~1260 ?, d. ~1305 Siena)

Italian painter, active in Siena, sometimes confused with Guido da Siena, another painter in Siena, active in the second half of the 13th century. Guido di Graziano has obviously followed Cimabue whose style differs completely from the more archaic style of Duccio. One can see in his paintings the delicate quality of colour, rich tones and transparencies, as well as at the fluidity of line, free of the rigid constraints of the preceding manner. The painter is distinguished by his undeniable talent to create simple and effective settings.

He is credited with two lost frescoes in the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena. His only documented work is a tablet biccherna with Don Guido di San Galgano (1280-85) from which a small group of panels was rebuilt in the 1990s, containing the Dossale di San Pietro and the altarpiece with St Francis and stories of his life (both in the Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena).

Saint Peter Dossal
Saint Peter Dossal by

Saint Peter Dossal

The dossal is an altarpiece format popular since 1215 and soon to be replaced with the polyptych. The present panel consists of three compartments. At the centre is the figure of St. Peter, seated on his throne, majestic in his bright red cloak, holding the keys. In the two side compartments are six scenes, namely.



Calling of St Peter,

Liberation of St Peter from the Prison,

Fall of Simon Magus,

Martyrdom and Death of St Peter.

The panel reflects the influence of the Sienese school of late thirteenth century, in particular by Guido da Siena, but also the influence of Cimabue.

St Francis Altarpiece
St Francis Altarpiece by

St Francis Altarpiece

St Francis Altarpiece (detail)
St Francis Altarpiece (detail) by

St Francis Altarpiece (detail)

The present detail of the St Francis Altarpiece depicts St Francis preaching to the birds.

The Annunciation
The Annunciation by

The Annunciation

The picture shows one of the scenes on the Saint Peter Dossal. It is an early and beautiful example of figures showing expression through pose, gesture and movement. Such emotional interchanges were to be taken further in the next few generations of painters in Siena.
