JACOPO DA MONTAGNANA - b. ~1445 Montagnana, d. 1499 Padova - WGA


(b. ~1445 Montagnana, d. 1499 Padova)

Italian painter. He began his career in Padua, where between 1458 and 1461 he was trained by the little-known Bolognese artist Francesco Brazalieri (1410-after 1484). According to Vasari and Ridolfi he was a pupil of Giovanni Bellini; although no formal relationship is documented, it is clear that Jacopo was strongly influenced by the Venetian painter. The dominant influence on his art, however, was Andrea Mantegna, whose altarpiece for San Zeno, Verona, was painted in Padua in 1457-59. Jacopo is recorded in 1469 as a member of the painters’ guild of Padua. His principal surviving and securely attributed works are nearly all frescoes in Padua, Belluno and Monteorte. A wider range of his activities is suggested by the papal vestments (Padua, Santo) that he designed for Sixtus IV in 1472.
