KEYSER, Nicaise de - b. 1813 Zandvliet, d. 1887 Antwerpen - WGA

KEYSER, Nicaise de

(b. 1813 Zandvliet, d. 1887 Antwerpen)

Belgian painter. He trained at the Academie in Antwerp with Mathieu Ignace van Brée (1773-1839). He achieved his first success with altarpieces influenced by Rubens but by 1836 had made a name for himself as one of the leading figures of historical Romanticism. Commissions from royal courts and prominent families in Belgium and abroad followed.

After 1840, the artist turned to classicism, frequently finding his subjects in the Bible and mythology. He also executed genre scenes and allegories.

From 1845 he became the portraitist of the great princely and royal families in the Netherlands, Württemberg and Belgium. From 1862 to 1872 he painted a series of paintings on the glory of the School of Antwerp in the halls of Fine Arts Museum in Antwerp. He played a leading role in the Antwerp Royal Academy of which he was the director from 1855 to 1879.

He travelled to England and Scotland (1835), Italy (1840), Germany (1865, 1868, 1869 and 1871) and Spain (1878, 1880). In 1848 he became a member of the Koninklijke Academie in Brussels and from 1855 to 1879 he was director of the Academie in Antwerp. Both his large history paintings and his smaller genre pieces are Romantic in subject-matter, inspiration and in the Baroque character of composition.

A Gallant Knight
A Gallant Knight by

A Gallant Knight

The Philosopher
The Philosopher by

The Philosopher

The painting depicts a white-haired bearded old man. He sits reading in a chair in his study, rests his head in his hand and is surrounded by books, a quill pen and ink, various different types of vessels and a globe. A cat sits at his feet and a human skeleton hangs on the wall.

West and East
West and East by

West and East

The present allegory of West and East can be compared with Friedrich Overbeck’s Italia and Germania, painted three decades earlier.

West and East (detail)
West and East (detail) by

West and East (detail)
