LAMOUR, Jean - b. 1698 Nancy, d. 1771 Nancy - WGA


(b. 1698 Nancy, d. 1771 Nancy)

French ironmonger, active in Nancy. His fame rests on a series of commissions in Nancy given by Stanislav I Leszczyñski, King of Poland (reg 1704-09) and from 1736 Grand Duke of Lorraine and Bar. Lamour’s greatest works were the wrought-iron gates and railings of the Place Stanislas (1752-56). He also executed the decorative ironwork for the Hôtel de Ville (with a splendid staircase rail), the seminary and the Château de Chanteheux.

Ironwork gate
Ironwork gate by

Ironwork gate

In Nancy, two princely squares, placed side by side, received the famous gilded ironwork gates, executed by Jean Lamour. Their design incorporated a triumphal arch with three openings, somewhat like Constantine’s arch, set at the edge of the old town.
