LAPORTE, George Henry - b. 1799 Hannover, d. 1873 London - WGA

LAPORTE, George Henry

(b. 1799 Hannover, d. 1873 London)

German painter, active in England. He was a sporting painter whose work includes depictions of all aspects of country life: hunting, racing, shooting and animal still-lives. He was the son and pupil of the distinguished watercolourist John Laporte (1761-1839). He was a founder member of the Royal Society of British Artists, where he exhibited regularly. Many of his paintings were engraved for The Sporting Magazine and other journals. Laporte enjoyed a wide and prosperous patronage, and was appointed Animal Painter to the Duke of Cumberland and the King of Hanover.

His painting technique is idiosyncratic and easily recognised: it is highly toned and colourful, with the paint applied in thin translucent washes - presumably reflecting the water-colourist’s technique which he derived from his father.

Camp in the Desert
Camp in the Desert by

Camp in the Desert

Hunters and Groom in a Paddock
Hunters and Groom in a Paddock by

Hunters and Groom in a Paddock

Portrait a Bay Racing Pony
Portrait a Bay Racing Pony by

Portrait a Bay Racing Pony

This painting depicts a bay racing pony, Queen of Trumps, with his young racing groom William Preston up; a race taking place beyond. Pony racing enjoyed a vogue in the earlier part of the 19th century. The racing was initiated to train youngsters in the art of race-riding, and many meetings took place all over England, often in conjunction with local horse-races. The present painting is a rare visual depiction of this sport.
