LEICHER, Felix Ivo - b. 1727 Wagstadt, d. 1812 Wien - WGA

LEICHER, Felix Ivo

(b. 1727 Wagstadt, d. 1812 Wien)

Leicher came to Vienna from the Silesian town of Wagstadt, with the support of Piarist fathers. Already in 1751 he was a pupil at the Viennese Academy. In 1754 he won second prize in the academic competition, which made him a supported member of the Academy. He worked for a long time with Franz Anton Maulbertsch, with whom be was in friendly relations all his life. However, as he was not engaged in fresco painting, he employed the artistic message of Maulbertsch in panel painting. Primarily he painted altarpieces, in many cases for the churches where the frescoes were executed by Maulbertsch.

He worked permanently for his patrons, the Piarists in Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Hungary. In several cases his works were attributed by posterity to Maulbertsch, and the bulk of his altarpieces and panel paintings only recently were identified as his productions. It is almost sure that several of his works still lie hidden in remote churches and collections. Sometimes a genre painting surprisingly reveals itself as his work (Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts), and sometimes an anonymous 18th century sketch or drawing bears traces of his hand.

His compositions, loose modelling, effective lighting and characteristic types undoubtedly betray the influences and ideas of Maulbertsch, Leicher’s approach, however, is softer and weaker, without the expressive power, dramatic vitality or pictorial virtuosity of his master.

Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well
Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well by

Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well

Holy Family
Holy Family by
Saint Joseph Calasantius before the Virgin
Saint Joseph Calasantius before the Virgin by

Saint Joseph Calasantius before the Virgin

According to the tradition this picture was ordered in Vienna by Schuperger K�roly of Tata, for Tata’s Piarists in 1767. Leicher, who worked in Vienna, was a pupil and proteg� of the Piarists. He worked a lot for them, and made several altarpieces with the representation of St. Joseph of Calasance (1556-1648), the founder of the order. who was canonized in 1767. These pictures mainly refer to the educational activity of the order, and show the saint in a circle of pupils, as he recommends them to the patronage of Mary and the little Jesus who are appearing among the clouds. The theme is the same with this devout Tata painting: the boys, who wear the fashionable clothes of the time, are accompanied by St. Joseph and their guarding angel. The lighting of the picture which draws the spectator’s look upwards, the expressive gestures, and the sweet, mild faces call to mind the art of Leicher’s master, Franz Anton Maulbertsch. The Tata picture is one of the most harmonious works of Leicher in Hungary. He repeated this theme, with larger dimension and a changed composition, in Brezn�’s Piarist church (today Parish church) as well as in the altarpieces of the Nikolsburg (Mikoluv), Beneschau (Bensov u Prahy) and Nagyk�roly (Carei) Piarist churches. A painting of his with the same theme in the Viennese house of the Piarists has been engraved by J. A. Jidl in 1757.

The Evening
The Evening by

The Evening

The companion-piece of the painting, The Morning, is also in the Budapest museum.

The Holy Family with St Anne and Joachim
The Holy Family with St Anne and Joachim by

The Holy Family with St Anne and Joachim

This painting was formerly considered to be an early work by Maulbertsch. Since 1958 it is given to Leicher who was strongly influenced by Maulbertsch’s early style.

The Morning
The Morning by

The Morning

The companion-piece of the painting, The Evening, is also in the Budapest museum.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 5 minutes):

Edvard Grieg: Peter Gynt Suite No 1, Op, 46 (‘Morning Mood’)
