LELY, Sir Peter - b. 1616 Soest, d. 1680 London - WGA

LELY, Sir Peter

(b. 1616 Soest, d. 1680 London)

Dutch Baroque portrait painter known for his Van Dyck-influenced likenesses of the mid-17th-century English aristocracy. He was born as Pieter van der Faes in Soest, Westphalia, on 14 September 1618. He was the son of Abigael van Vliet, the daughter of a prominent Utrecht family, and Johan van der Faes, a captain in the regiment of Baron Walraven van Gent. The regiment, which served the Elector Palatine of Brandenburg, was quartered in Soest and various other parts of Westphalia around the time that Lely was born. According to Houbraken, Peter came to be known as Lely, the Dutch word for ‘lily’, because his father was born in a house in The Hague with ‘a lily on the façade’. It was probably the house called ‘Inde lelye’, which by 1562 was said to belong to Hendrick Faes, who was presumably the painter’s great-grandfather. In 1652, Lely’s aunt, Odilia van der Faes, was still living in the house, and Lely himself may have lived there as well. In any event, he spent some time in The Hague before settling in Haarlem.

He must have started using the name Lely early on in his life, as confirmed by a document from 1637. Lely may have been apprenticed to De Grebber at that stage, though this remains unconfirmed. Houbraken reports that Lely was apprenticed to De Grebber for a period of two years.

Around 1641, Lely left for England, where he soon emerged as a leading portraitist. He may have started his career working with George Geldorp, a portrait painter and art dealer in London. According to Lely’s first biographer, Richard Graham, the artist started off in London as a landscape and history painter. Before long, however, he turned his hand to portraiture, for which there was a far greater demand. Though Lely was receiving prestigious commissions in the times of Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, he reached the peak of his career during the reign of Charles II. In October 1661, the king granted him an annual stipend of two hundred pounds ‘as formerly to Sr Vandyke’. In 1679, he was awarded a knighthood. Peter Lely died on 30 November 1680 with his palette in his hand while painting a portrait of the Duchess of Somerset.

Lely was the most technically proficient painter in England after the death of Van Dyck. During the Commonwealth he adopted a severe, puritanical style, but his Restoration portraits of women are noted for their subtle colouring, skillful rendering of silk, and the air of sensuous languor with which they invest their subjects - e.g., the portrait series of court ladies entitled The Windsor Beauties (1660s; Hampton Court, London). Simultaneously he painted the portrait series of the Admirals (1666-67) at Greenwich, the best of them rugged and severely masculine characterizations. Lely’s late works are marred by stylistic mannerisms and decreasing vitality.

Lely kept in touch with friends in Holland all his life, and his work must have been known there as well. In May 1656, he was issued a passport to travel to Holland. He was evidently also a close acquaintance of the Amsterdam art dealer Gerard Uylenborgh. A document drawn up in Dublin in 1668 following the death of Abraham Uylenborgh, ‘late painter to Her Highnesse the dutchesse of Ormond’, refers to Lely as the ‘trusty and well beloved friend’ of Gerard Uylenborgh and his sisters. When Uylenborgh went bankrupt in 1675, some of his art collection, including sculptures by Artus Quellinus and paintings by Caspar Netscher, Cornelis Poelenburch, Anthonis Mor and Adriaen Brouwer, turned out to be in Lely’s possession in London. Lely was presumably acting as his agent. Other documents also show that he was active as an art dealer. The insolvent Uylenborgh moved to London where, as Houbraken informs us, he took to painting the costumes and landscapes in Lely’s portraits.

During his lifetime Lely acquired a valuable collection of art, which Uylenborgh estimated in 1677 to be worth in the region of 10,000 pounds. Lely must have started collecting soon after moving to England. In any event, he bought paintings by Veronese, Breenbergh and Tintoretto at the sale of Charles I’s collection in 1649-1650. In 1682, two years after his death, his collection of paintings was sold. It included work by Veronese, Titian, Giorgione, Guido Reni, Guercino, Pieter van Laer, Claude Lorrain, Rubens, Frans Hals and a superb collection - ‘his best Pieces’ - by Anthony van Dyck. Lely’s drawing and print collections were sold in 1688 and 1694.

Amorous Couple in a Landscape
Amorous Couple in a Landscape by

Amorous Couple in a Landscape

Pastoral scenes with amorous couples were popular in seventeenth-century Holland. Many of them represents mythological characters, but there are far more in which the protagonists cannot be identified and which appear to be no more than pastoral idylls. Lely’s painting is consistent with this tradition.

Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England
Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England by

Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England

Portraiture, which was to become the single most brilliant achievement of English painting in the 18th century, was a field dominated in the 17th century by foreign artists who received many commissions from the royal court. The leading exponents of this period were van Dyck and Lely. This portrait of Henrietta Maria, Queen of England is an idealized portrait.

Henrietta Maria of France (1609-1669), the daughter of King Henry IV of France and Marie de M�dici, was the Queen consort of England, Scotland and Ireland as the wife of King Charles I. She was mother of two kings, Charles II and James II and grandmother of two queens and one king, Mary II, William III and Anne of Great Britain as well as paternal aunt of Louis XIV of France. She had married Charles I in 1625, but soon fell out of favour with Parliament and the people because of her support for English Catholics. Later, she tried in vain and with great personal commitment, to help her husband. After the execution of Charles I in 1649, she settled in Paris. In 1660, when her oldest son succeeded to the throne as Charles II of Great Britain and Ireland, Henrietta Maria returned to England where she lived as Dowager Queen and Queen Mother until 1665 when she returned permanently to France. She died at the age of 59 at the château de Colombes, near Paris, marking the end of a turbulent life. She was buried in the French royal necropolis at the Basilica of St Denis.

Lely portrays her here as a beautiful and dignified woman in royal dress with an expression of suffering on her lips and a look of aloof mourning in her eyes. This is no longer a Baroque representative portrait, but tends far more in the direction of an individual interpretative portrayal. The nature of her life’s journey is hidden by her reserved facial expression.

Louise de Kéroualle
Louise de Kéroualle by

Louise de Kéroualle

The sitter of the portrait is Louise de K�roualle, the mistress of King Charles II.

Portrait of Lucy Brydges
Portrait of Lucy Brydges by

Portrait of Lucy Brydges

Lucy Brydges (Lady Loftus, Later Viscountess Lisburne) was the daughter and co-heir of George Brydges, 6th Baron Chandos of Sudeley and his wife Jane, daughter of John Savage, Earl Rivers. She married Adam Loftus, son of Sir Arthur Loftus of Rathfarnham, Dublin. In 1686 her husband was created Viscount Lisburne.

The sitter is portrayed three-quarter length, seated in a landscape, wearing a green dress and white chemise, a bird to the left.

Portrait of Oliver Cromwell
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell by

Portrait of Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was an English military and political leader best known for his involvement in making England into a republican Commonwealth and for his later role as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He ruled after Charles I, the king he ordered decapitated in 1649. In a more peaceful transition, Peter Lely inherited Anthony van Dyck’s patrons and prestige. The fictive stone frame and the sitter’s gaze into infinity hint at this being a posthumous portrait.

Portrait of Sibyl Masters
Portrait of Sibyl Masters by

Portrait of Sibyl Masters

This three quarter length portrait represents Sibyl Masters (1624-1684), the daughter of Christopher Masters of the City of Westminster, the wife of Humphrey Wyrley, Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas and a Justice of the Peace for Staffordshire. She is sitting on a ledge, a wooded evening landscape beyond. She wears a green silk dress with brown wrap, and a string of pearls.

Portrait of Sir Henry Osborne
Portrait of Sir Henry Osborne by

Portrait of Sir Henry Osborne

Sir Henry Osborne (1619-1675) was the founder and first treasurer of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, and a patron of Sir Peter Lely, who stayed with him at the family’s seat, Chicksands Priory in Bedfordshire. The sitter is portrayed half-length, wearing black with a white collar.

Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress
Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress by

Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress

Trial by Fire
Trial by Fire by
Two Ladies of the Lake Family
Two Ladies of the Lake Family by

Two Ladies of the Lake Family

Lely was an English painter of Dutch origin (Pieter van der Faes). He went to London in 1641 and lived there until his death. He was a portraitist influenced by Van Dyck and became first court painter in 1661.
