LISSE, Dirck van der - b. 1607 Breda, d. 1669 Den Haag - WGA

LISSE, Dirck van der

(b. 1607 Breda, d. 1669 Den Haag)

Dutch painter and draughtsman. He was a pupil of Cornelis van Poelenburgh c. 1630. In 1635 the Stadholder, Prince Frederik Hendrik of Orange Nassau, commissioned him, along with van Poelenburgh, Abraham Bloemaert and Herman Saftleven, to paint a cycle of scenes based on Giovanni Battista Guarini’s Il pastor fido for the restored hunting castle at Honselaarsdijk. In 1639 van der Lisse moved to The Hague, where he was a founder-member of the painters’ confraternity Pictura in 1656; he became Burgomaster of the city in 1660.

Blind Man's Buff
Blind Man's Buff by

Blind Man's Buff

In the 1620s and 1630s, Dutch aristocrats furthered a new vogue for particular kinds of history and portrait painting, of ‘pastoral’ scenes involving the loves of shepherds and shepherdesses in lush, idealized landscapes. In 1635, four painters made a series of pastoral paintings for the Stadhouder’s court, chronicling the popular story of Amarillis and Mirtillo. In a scene contributed by van der Lisse (one of the numerous followers of Cornelis Poelenburgh), maidens play blind man’s buff with the blindfolded shepherd Mirtillo.

Landscape with Diana and Actaeon
Landscape with Diana and Actaeon by

Landscape with Diana and Actaeon

Ovid describes at length (Met. 3:138-253) how the young prince Actaeon, hunting in the forest, stumbled accidentally upon the grotto where Diana and her companion were bathing. To punish him for the glimpse of divine nudity, the goddess turned him into a stag.

The story with Diana and Actaeon was a favourite with the late Mannerist painters. This is understandable, because the myth, particularly in Ovid’s playful, witty and lively presentation, contains both stimulatingly erotic and shivering horror story elements and thus was perfectly suited for the contemporary spirit.

Sleeping Nymph
Sleeping Nymph by

Sleeping Nymph

Dirck van der Lisse as one among the numerous pupils of Poelenburgh whose works can be closest to the master’s.
