LOMBARDO, Girolamo - b. ~1505 Ferrara, d. ~1586 Loreto - WGA

LOMBARDO, Girolamo

(b. ~1505 Ferrara, d. ~1586 Loreto)

Italian sculptor and bronze-caster, son of Antonio Lombardo. According to Vasari, he was a pupil of Jacopo Sansovino and worked with Tiziano Minio and Danese Cattaneo on the decorative sculpture for Sansovino’s Loggetta in the Piazza an Marco, Venice (in situ). His precise contribution is debated, but he may have executed marble reliefs of mythological subjects. Vasari also mentioned that he worked in mezzo rilievo on the decoration of Sansovino’s Libreria Marciana in Venice with Cattaneo, Bartolomeo Ammannati and Tommaso Lombardo (active around 1550). He may have executed the relief panels of garlands and putti for the soffits of the Library. In 1543 he left Venice for Loreto, where he and his brother Aurelio Lombardo (1501-1561) executed a series of marble statues of Prophets for the Santa Casa in the basilica (in situ). The precise contribution of each brother is still debated.

From 1550 Girolamo lived in Recanati. In Rome c. 1560 he and Aurelio were commissioned by Pope Pius IV to make a bronze tabernacle for Milan Cathedral (in situ), with reliefs of scenes from the Life of Christ (1560). From 1568 to 1576 he worked on the bronze doors on the north and south sides of the Santa Casa at Loreto with his brother Ludovico Lombardo (15078-75), Tiburzio Vergelli (1555-1610) and Antonio Calcagni (1536-1593). The doors were decorated with narrative scenes from the Life of Christ.

In 1570 he made a bronze tabernacle for the chapel of the Holy Sacrament in Fermo Cathedral (in situ). After 1572 he worked as a papal bronze-caster. He executed a bronze statue of Pope Gregory XIII (1575; destroyed) for Ascoli Piceno. Girolamo also produced another statue of a prophet, Amos, for the Santa Casa, Loreto (1578-79; in situ). In 1581 he made a bronze cornucopia candleholder to match one made earlier by Aurelio for the chapel of the Holy Sacrament in Loreto. In 1583 he completed the bronze statue of the Virgin and Child above the main portico of the Santa Casa at Loreto (in situ), executed with his son Antonio Lombardo (d. ca. 1609).
