The Conversion of St Paul - LUCA DI TOMMÈ - WGA
The Conversion of St Paul by LUCA DI TOMMÈ
The Conversion of St Paul by LUCA DI TOMMÈ

The Conversion of St Paul

by LUCA DI TOMMÈ, Egg tempera and gold on wood, 31 x 39 cm

In this scene text conveys dialogue: God’s voice speaking to the Roman skeptic Saul, whom he struck to the ground and blinded. This shattering encounter transformed Saul from a persecutor of Christians into the Apostle Paul, one of the founders of the Christian Church.

The painting was originally part of a predella, the lower register of an altarpiece, whose smaller scale and less prominent location allowed artists to experiment with drama and illusion in a way that was impossible in the static images of the main part of the altarpiece.

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