LUTI, Benedetto - b. 1666 Firenze, d. 1724 Roma - WGA

LUTI, Benedetto

(b. 1666 Firenze, d. 1724 Roma)

Italian painter, draughtsman, collector, dealer and teacher. He was one of the most significant and influential artists active in Rome in the first quarter of the 18th century. The son of a Florentine artisan, he trained in his native city under the direction of Anton Domenico Gabbiani and thoroughly absorbed the style of Pietro da Cortona and his late Baroque successors. In 1690 he left Florence for Rome, where in 1692 he made his artistic début in the annual St Bartholomew’s Day exhibition with a monumental painting of God Cursing Cain after the Murder of Abel (Kedleston Hall, Derbys). He quickly rose to prominence and in 1694 was elected to the Accademia di S Luca.

He produced a variety of works for the leading Roman families - the Torri, Colonna, Pallavicini, Barberini and Odescalchi - and enjoyed the patronage of Pope Clement XI, Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, Cardinal Carlo Agosto Fabbroni and Padre Antonin Cloche, Master General of the Dominican Order. He was invited to participate in the most important papal commission to painters in Rome in the first quarter of the 18th century, that for the series of Old Testament prophets above the nave arcade in S Giovanni in Laterano; his contribution was Isaiah (1718; in situ). With many of the same artists who painted for Pope Clement XI - Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari, Francesco Trevisani, Andrea Procaccini, Sebastiano Conca, Luigi Garzi - he was also involved in the major secular commission of the time in Rome, a series of ceilings in the Palazzo de Carolis (now the Banca di Roma), contributing an Allegory of Diana (c. 1720; in situ).

In Florence he enjoyed the support of Grand Duke Cosimo III de’ Medici, and it was through his connection with the Tuscan court that his artistic reputation spread to France, England and Germany.

Boy with a Flute
Boy with a Flute by

Boy with a Flute

This is an excellent example of Luti’s refined portraiture. It shows a young boy holding in his hand a flute though he appears to have been distracted by something unknown to the viewer. Luti has applied skilful colouring and flowing brushwork to achieve a subtle luminosity that is particularly lustrous in the boy’s curled hair and rosy cheeks.

Several replicas exist of this widely known picture, executed by various artists.

Head of a Young Boy
Head of a Young Boy by

Head of a Young Boy

Benedetto Luti was a master of suave portraiture. He was one of the greatest colourists in eighteenth-century Rome and his chalk and pastel studies of single heads, bust-length apostles, saints, angels and children are charming in their polished freshness and elegance.

Head of a Young Girl
Head of a Young Girl by

Head of a Young Girl

Portrait of a Young Girl
Portrait of a Young Girl by

Portrait of a Young Girl

There is a sense of simplicity and charm in Benedetto Luti’s Portrait of a Young Girl. The artist has evidently taken great enjoyment in capturing the innocence and youth of this pretty young girl whose attentions are directed elsewhere.
