MAINARDI, Bastiano - b. 1466 San Gimignano, d. 1513 Firenze - WGA

MAINARDI, Bastiano

(b. 1466 San Gimignano, d. 1513 Firenze)

Bastiano (Sebastiano) Mainardi, Italian painter, the brother-in-law of Domenico Ghirlandaio.

Vasari mentioned that Mainardi was a pupil of Domenico Ghirlandaio and that he was still working in the studio at the time of his master’s death. Vasari also claimed that Mainardi collaborated with Ghirlandaio on several works between 1475 and 1477, including the fresco decoration of the chapel of S Fina in the Collegiata, San Gimignano, and on the frescoes in the abbey of Passignano in Val di Pesa, near Florence. Given the dates of these works, it was thought that Mainardi was born between 1450 and 1460 and that he was, if not a contemporary of Ghirlandaio’s, certainly one of his earliest collaborators, together with Ghirlandaio’s brother Davide. The discovery that Mainardi was born in 1466 (Venturini) would suggest that the two painters’ relationship was that of master and pupil, at least until the early 1480s. Certainly Mainardi could not have collaborated on the frescoes in the Collegiata.

Adoration of the Child
Adoration of the Child by

Adoration of the Child

This tondo, depicting the adoration of the Christ Child by the Virgin and St Joseph, shows the influence of Andrea del Verrocchio. There exist several other versions of the composition by Mainardi.

Annunciation (detail)
Annunciation (detail) by

Annunciation (detail)

It was supposedly Bastiano Mainardi, using the design of his brother-in-law, Domenico Ghirlandaio, who painted this fresco of Annunciation about 1482 in his native town of San Gimignano. This is largely a poor imitation of Leonardo’s famous Annunciation. Only the lectern, the details of which are reminiscent of Flemish still-lifes, shows originality.

Recent research gave the painting to Domenico Ghirlandaio, considering that Mainardi was a mere fourteen years old in 1482 when the painting was executed.

The detail shows the left side of the fresco depcting the Angel.

Annunciation (detail)
Annunciation (detail) by

Annunciation (detail)

It was supposedly Bastiano Mainardi, using the design of his brother-in-law, Domenico Ghirlandaio, who painted this fresco of Annunciation about 1482 in his native town of San Gimignano. This is largely a poor imitation of Leonardo’s famous Annunciation. Only the lectern, the details of which are reminiscent of Flemish still-lifes, shows originality.

Recent research gave the painting to Domenico Ghirlandaio, considering that Mainardi was a mere fourteen years old in 1482 when the painting was executed.

The detail shows the right side of the fresco depcting the Virgin.

Annunciation (detail)
Annunciation (detail) by

Annunciation (detail)

The detail shows the lectern, reminiscent of Flemish still-lifes.

Assumption of the Virgin with the Gift of the Girdle
Assumption of the Virgin with the Gift of the Girdle by

Assumption of the Virgin with the Gift of the Girdle

This monumental wall painting is in the Cappella Baroncelli in Santa Croce, Florence. According to Vasari it is the work of Bastiano Mainardi, but it is based on preliminary studies and cartoons by Domenico Ghirlandaio.

Madonna with Child, the Young St John and Two Angels
Madonna with Child, the Young St John and Two Angels by

Madonna with Child, the Young St John and Two Angels

This painting belongs to a type of circular images of the Madonna, emerged in Florence in the second third of the fifteenth century. Mainardi worked in the workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio and followed his masters style. The town, seen through the window on the left, resembles to Mainardi’s native San Gimignano with its tall towers.

Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of a Woman by

Portrait of a Woman

The sitter of the painting is the wife of a Florentine banker. The coiffure of the woman is characteristic for the period: a wig (seuffia) on top of the head decorated with curls of different colour.

Although this portrait and its pendant representing the husband are catalogued in the Berlin museum under the name of Bastiano Mainardi, Domenico Ghirlandaio’s follower and posthumous brother-in-law, recent research attributes them to Davide Ghirlandaio.

Tomb Monument to Fra Domenico Strambi
Tomb Monument to Fra Domenico Strambi by

Tomb Monument to Fra Domenico Strambi

Fra Domenico Strambi was a scholarly Augustinian monk, who was Benozzo Gozzoli’s patron when he painted the main choir chapel in Sant’Agostino in San Gimignano. In 1487, Bastiano Mainardi, a native of San Gimignano who was a pupil of Domenico Ghirlandaio, painted on the north wall of the church (to the left of the choir) a depiction of St Gemignanus seated on his bishop’s throne. Three local notables kneel before the city’s patron saint. Below this scene there is a painted monument, with an inscription explaining that Strambi is buried here. It shows the deceased laid out atop a sarcophagus in an imaginary niche.

Virgin Adoring the Child with Two Angels
Virgin Adoring the Child with Two Angels by

Virgin Adoring the Child with Two Angels

This painting was probably drawn from a cartoon by Domenico Ghirlandaio. There is a larger version of this composition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
