Reliefs on pier 1 - MAITANI, Lorenzo - WGA
Reliefs on pier 1 by MAITANI, Lorenzo
Reliefs on pier 1 by MAITANI, Lorenzo

Reliefs on pier 1

by MAITANI, Lorenzo, Marble

The four piers on the fa�ade of the Orvieto Cathedral are covered with delicate and fine low-reliefs, made by artists, whose identity �s not absolutely certain. The best reliefs are usually attributed to Maitani. During the course of the 14th century the French influence strengthens in Italian sculpture. The closest approach in the Latin areas to Northern Gothic sculpture is probably provided by Lorenzo Maitani’s reliefs decorating the fa�ade of Orvieto Cathedral.

The picture shows the reliefs on the first pier representing in 13 scenes the events concerning the creation of the world and mankind, according to the book of Genesis. The creation of the animals, the murder of Abel and the representation of the first human activities. A branch of ivy, rising in the centre; keeps together and frames the stories divided into six panels one above the other.

1st panel (from below, from left to right):

In the first scene the artist probably has intended to summarize the works done by God during the five days of creation. A dove - the spirit of God - flies on the waters; upon it the hand of the Eternal God, from whom come out three rays symbolizing the separation of light from darkness. God creates plants, birds, fish, quadrupeds and lastly Man.

2nd panel:

On ten plates - one different from the other, but all symmetricaliy composed and united with meticulous care - three scenes are represented: God blows life into man, God takes a rib from Adam, and the creation of Eve.

3rd panel:

The Tree of the Knowledge o Good and Evil. God, escorted by Angels, forbids Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The three, around which the tempting snake coils itself, is near a spring, from which, according to some, the four rivers of the Genesis - Phison, Ghenon, Tigris and Euphrates - originated. Eve has plucked the forbidden fruit; she keeps one for herself and offers another to her companion. God, above, from the clouds, looks down at the disobedient couple in a threatening manner. The two hide themselves in a bush shielding themselves with their hands.

4th panel:

Two scenes are here represented: Adam and Eve driven out of Eden and the first activities of our fore-fathers. The earthly paradise is surrounded by fire to prevent man from entering it. An angel drives Adam and Eve out with his sword. Adam and Eve devote themselves to domestic works.

5th panel:

The sacrifice of Cain and Abel and the murder of Abel. Abel sacrifices a lamb to God, while Cain offers a bunch of spikes. Cain kills Abel.

6th panel:

The first activities of man. Life is completely devoted to agriculture and sheep-breeding. According to some, the activities of some descendants of Cain have been represented here.

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