MASTER of the Trebon Altarpiece - b. ~1360 ?, d. ~1420 Bohemia - WGA

MASTER of the Trebon Altarpiece

(b. ~1360 ?, d. ~1420 Bohemia)

Master of the Trebon Altarpiece or of Wittingau, Bohemian painter, active in the late 14th century, named after his main work, three panels (c. 1380-90) from an altarpiece originally in the monastery at Trebon (Wittingau) in the Czech Republic and now in the National Gallery, Prague. They represent the next stage in Bohemian painting after Master Theoderic, being related to the soft style. With him the art at the short lived imperial court of Prague reached its climax. His style points west rather than south and shows particular affinities with Burgundian art and Melchior Broederlam.
