MILLAIS, John Everett - b. 1829 Southampton, d. 1896 London - WGA

MILLAIS, John Everett

(b. 1829 Southampton, d. 1896 London)

English painter. He was in the Royal Academy Schools in 1840 - an infant prodigy. In 1848, he, Hunt and Rossetti founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; his Christ in the House of His Parents (1850, Tate Gallery, London) was savagely attacked by Charles Dickens, but Ruskin defended him and the Brotherhood generally. In 1853 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy. In 1855 he married Ruskin’s former wife, and his friendship with Ruskin was broken off. Millais developed into a fashionable and technically brilliant academic painter of portraits, costume history and genre pieces, forsaking his original Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood theories, and went on to become Royal Academician (1863), and President in 1896, just before his death. He was made a baronet in 1885.

Christ in the House of His Parents or The Carpenter's Shop
Christ in the House of His Parents or The Carpenter's Shop by

Christ in the House of His Parents or The Carpenter's Shop

This is Millais’s first important religious subject, showing a scene from the boyhood of Christ. When it was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1850 it was given no title, but accompanied by a biblical quotation: ‘And one shall say unto him, What are those wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’ (Zech. 13:6)

Christian symbolism figures prominently in the picture. The carpenter’s triangle on the wall, above Christ’s head, symbolises the Holy Trinity. The wood and nails prefigure the crucifixion, as does the blood on the young Christ’s hand, which he has cut on a nail, and which drips onto his foot. The young St John is shown fetching a bowl of water with which to bathe the wound. This clearly identifies him as the Baptist, and the image is extended by the white dove perched on the ladder, symbol of the Holy Spirit, which descended from Heaven at the baptism of Christ.

Following the Pre-Raphaelite credo of truth to nature, Millais painted the scene in meticulous detail and based the setting on a real carpenter’s shop in Oxford Street. The sheep in the background, intended to represent the Christian flock, were drawn from two sheep’s heads obtained from a local butcher. He avoided using professional models, and relied instead on friends and family. Joseph’s head was a portrait of Millais’s own father, but the body was based on a real carpenter, with his rough hands, sinewy arms and prominent veins. The Virgin Mary was his sister-in-law Mary Hodgkinson; John the Baptist was posed by a young adopted cousin, Edwin Everett; and N�el Humphreys, the son of an artist friend, sat for the young Christ.

The public reaction to the picture was one of horror and Millais was viciously attacked by the press. The Times described the painting as ‘revolting’ and objected to the way in which the artist had dared to depict the Holy Family as ordinary, lowly people in a humble carpenter’s shop ‘with no conceivable omission of misery, of dirt, of even disease, all finished with the same loathsome minuteness’. Charles Dickens was one of the most vehement critics, describing the young Christ as ‘a hideous, wry-necked, blubbering, red-headed boy, in a bed gown’.

Ophelia by


Millais painted the landscape for this painting beside a stream while staying with his friend William Holman Hunt on a farm in Surrey in the summer and fall of 1851. The time Millais took over this painting from the life enabled him to represent the flowers he required (some of which were cited by Shakespeare in Hamlet and some of which were included for their symbolic value), even if they did not all bloom at the same time. Following a method much used by the Pre-Raphaelites, Millais painted the figure in his London studio during the following winter. There he observed the effect of drowning, again from the life, by having Elizabeth Siddal (the group’s favourite model and Rossetti’s future wife) pose in a heated bathtub, wearing an old-fashioned dress.

Portia (Kate Dolan)
Portia (Kate Dolan) by

Portia (Kate Dolan)

The Blind Girl
The Blind Girl by
The Eve of St Agnes
The Eve of St Agnes by

The Eve of St Agnes
