Medal of Ippolita Gonzaga
by TREZZO, Jacopo da, Cast bronze, diameter 7 cm
On the obverse of the medal the portrait of Ippolita Gonzaga is shown. Ippolita was the daughter of the governor of Milan, Ferrante Gonzaga. The inscription reveals that this was made when she was 17 years old. Her dress and elaborate hairstyle evoke ancient Roman styles.
Inscription on the obverse (in margin): HIPPOLYTA GONZAGA FERDINANDI FIL[IA] AN[NO] XVII [trans.: Ippolita Gonzaga, daughter of Ferdinando [at the age of] XVII].
The reverse showing Aurora in a Chariot Riding across the Heavens, is handled with considerable skill in its modelling and suggestion of space.
Inscription on the reverse (in margin): VIRTVTIS FORMAEQ[ue] PRAEVIA [trans.: The harbinger of virtue and beauty].