VERSTRAELEN, Anthonie - b. 1594 Gorinchem, d. 1641 Amsterdam - WGA


(b. 1594 Gorinchem, d. 1641 Amsterdam)

Anthonie Verstraelen (name variant Anthoni van Stralen) was a Dutch painter. Gillis van Stralen, Antonie’s father, was a textile merchant. The family originated in Weert but moved between 1584-1590 to Gorinchem.

In 1628, Verstraelen lived in Amsterdam, and married Magdalena Bosijn from Amsterdam. He stayed in Amsterdam until his death in 1641. when he was buried in the Westerkerk. In 1644 his two children inherited two hundred guilder each from the sale of their father’s paintings.

Like Hendrik Avercamp and his nephew Barend Avercamp, Verstraelen mainly painted winter landscapes and scenes on the ice, but he never reached the level of Avercamp, even though some of his works are attributed to Avercamp.

Winter Landscape
Winter Landscape by

Winter Landscape

Winter Scene
Winter Scene by

Winter Scene

Verstraelen’s work was much indebted to that of Hendrick and Barend Avercamp, to whom his better work has often been ascribed. His winter landscapes were typically composed with figures of skaters and everyday folk arranged across the foreground plane, while behind them a frozen river or canal stretches through a village into the distance. The banks of the river are typically occupied by humble country dwellings and Verstraelen’s distinctive gnarled trees.
