ZANETTI, Anton Maria II - b. 1706 Venezia, d. 1778 Venezia - WGA

ZANETTI, Anton Maria II

(b. 1706 Venezia, d. 1778 Venezia)

Anton Maria Zanetti II (Anton Maria the Younger) was an Italian draftsman, librarian, and writer. The son of Anton Maria Zanetti I’s cousin, Anton[io] Maria II was a protegé of the elder Zanetti who developed into a distinguished critic; he collaborated with his elder cousin, providing most of the drawings for a sumptuously illustrated account of the classical sculpture conserved in Venetian public collections (I, Venice, 1740, II, Venice, 1743).

Seated Man
Seated Man by

Seated Man

The frescoes on the fa�ade of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, executed by Giorgione and Titian between 1505 and 1508, deteriorated rather quickly. However, 1n 1755, Anton Maria Zanetti was still able to make drawings of three images by Giorgione, - a seated man, a seated woman, and a nude - which he would later translate into engravings that appear in the book “Varie pitture a fresco de’ principali maestri veneziani” (Various fresco paintings by the principal Venetian masters) published in 1760.

The picture shows the Seated Man after Giorgione.

Seated Woman
Seated Woman by

Seated Woman

The frescoes on the fa�ade of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, executed by Giorgione and Titian between 1505 and 1508, deteriorated rather quickly. However, 1n 1755, Anton Maria Zanetti was still able to make drawings of three images by Giorgione, - a seated man, a seated woman, and a nude - which he would later translate into engravings that appear in the book “Varie pitture a fresco de’ principali maestri veneziani” (Various fresco paintings by the principal Venetian masters) published in 1760.

The picture shows the Seated Woman after Giorgione.

Standing Female Nude
Standing Female Nude by

Standing Female Nude

The Fondaco dei Tedeschi, which formed the headquarters of the German merchant community of Venice, occupies a prominent site on the Grand Canal, immediately next to the Rialto Bridge. The decoration of the principal, western fa�ade of the Fondaco was entrusted to Giorgione, who is documented as having completed his task before the autumn of 1508. His work is known mainly through a set of eighteenth-century etchings, and all that survives of the originals is a single ghostly fragment of a standing female nude. The etchings show a series of male and female nudes, which were arranged in broad friezes above the first- and second-floor windows.
