ZOPPO, Marco - b. 1433 Cento, d. 1478 Venezia - WGA

ZOPPO, Marco

(b. 1433 Cento, d. 1478 Venezia)

Italian painter (originally Marco di Ruggero). The earliest dated notice of Zoppo is an agreement of 24 May 1455 concerning his legal adoption by the Paduan painter Francesco Squarcione. The document indicates that at the time it was drawn up Zoppo had been living in Squarcione’s house for about two years and at 23 years old was already recognized as a painter of considerable ability. According to the agreement, Squarcione, who was childless and had recently become a widower, acknowledged Zoppo as his sole heir in return for Zoppo’s work in painting. The contract, however, was short-lived. By October of the same year, Zoppo had left Squarcione and was living in Venice. Two documents record the terms by which the adoption agreement was to be annulled and the arrangements drawn up not only to compensate Zoppo for work he had executed for which Squarcione had received payment, but also to cover Squarcione’s costs for having provided Zoppo with lodging and artists’ materials. Clearly Zoppo quickly discovered that the conditions placed on him by Squarcione were not to his advantage. Like other young artists who came into contact with Squarcione, most notably Andrea Mantegna, who had a similar experience in the late 1440s, Zoppo soon realized that his success as an artist rested on gaining his freedom, even though this could be achieved only by relinquishing his rights to Squarcione’s substantial estate.

Zoppo was active in Venice (1455, 1468-73) and executed further works in Bologna, including a triptych for the Collegio di Spagna, and a number of Madonna Enthroned with Infant and Saints. Influenced by Mantegna and by Jacopo and Giovanni Bellini, Zoppo produced paintings in a distinctively harsh and precise style and an album of drawings formerly attributed to Mantegna (British Museum, London).

Francesco Francia was one of his pupils.

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints by

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints

This very large altarpiece from Pesaro is the masterpiece of the Bolognese artist. It is almost square in format and was painted for the Franciscan church of San Giovanni Evangelista. It is a Sacra Conversazione, its compositional scheme places saints in a way that causes them to surround or flank a central group. Here Sts Francis and Paul stand to the left and right of Mary’s throne, with huge figures of John the Baptist and Jerome at the far left and right. Mary extends an apple to Jesus, affirming their roles as new Adam and Eve for humanity’s salvation.

Madonna and Child with Angels
Madonna and Child with Angels by

Madonna and Child with Angels

The painting is signed on the cartellino lower left: OPERA DEL ZOPPO DI SQUARCIONE.

St Paul
St Paul by

St Paul

This panel comes from the upper register of a polyptych. It depicts St Paul with a sword, the instrument of his martyrdom and a book, a reference to his Epistles.

The Penitent St Jerome
The Penitent St Jerome by

The Penitent St Jerome

This panel shows St Jerome as penitent and scholar. Although it is assumed by some scholars that the panel belonged to the predella of the now-dismantled high altarpiece of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Pesaro, it was probably an independent picture executed for private devotion. The subject enjoyed popularity among the humanists and gained currency in northern Italy in the fifteenth century. Zoppo himself painted the subject more than once.
